Madi Schulte, Security Chair

Madi Schulte, Security Chair

Madi Schulte is a serial volunteerist, aimed at encouraging accessibility and involvement within the Kansas City technology and security scenes. Her commitment to service is evident through her active participation in local initiatives, where she strives to foster inclusive opportunities for community driven learning & advancement.


Madi's efforts extend to academia and K-12 outreach, serving on advisory boards at the University of Kansas, Donnelly College, and Summit Technology Academy. She has helped lead a local chapter of Girls Who Code and has contributed to panels for the Society of Women Engineers' Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day and the National Center for Women & Information Technology's Aspirations in Computing Awards.


Madi is currently a Security Engineer at JE Dunn Construction, helping to secure one of the best places to work. Her current leadership roles within the KC community include presiding over Women in Security - Kansas City, involvement on the BSidesKC Organizing Committee, serving as Director of Content & Coordination for SecKC, and participating in KC AI Club's Steering Committee.

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